Tuesday 27 January 2015

Investigatory Project

Glendale School
#11 St. Benedict St. Paradise Village
Project 8, Quezon City

An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Banana Heart as an Alternative Source of Meat Product

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course
Requirement in Research

Presented by:
Whinn Claudette Hernandez
Georgia Magdadaro
Joedelle Michael Mercado

Presented to:
Dr. Marilou Juachon-Panlilio
Mr. Arnold Antiporda
Ms. Sherrlene Uy
Mr. Gemini Malubay

February 9, 2015

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our teacher Ms. Sherrlene Uy for making it possible to enhance our knowledge more about the certain subject. Also that she has been there to encourage and direct us in this work. Besides that, we would like to thank the rest of our group for the full time support and patience throughout the daily making of this project. Also, we acknowledge our parents for their continuously support and guidance in doing this project especially to Mrs. and Mr. Magdadaro for letting us do the experiment on their home and also to Mrs. Soledad whom taught the researcher how to make and prepare the product. We would also like to thank our classmates and friends for the shared information and for the moral support. And most of all to God, the one who created everything, the one who gives unlimited blessings and the source of all strength and wisdom.

The goal of this research is to come up with an innovative way that will determine on the effectiveness of banana heart as a new ingredient to the typical (processed or commercial) meat. In relation to this, the researchers decided to make an alternative for meat in order to satisfy the needs with possible resources. The banana heart is rich on vitamins A and E, whereas a discovery of this being able to be an alternative for meat-related food such as hamburgers. An issue concerning the relative products of the researched product such as consumption of commercial meat may resolve into increasing the risk of inhabiting diseases such as heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, obesity and more. This study seeks to tell the government, the departments of health, and young minds to always keep healthy lifestyle in check. The scope of this study is to determine the full measure of success in handling banana heart as an alternative source of meat that it is processed and widely chosen for its convenience and cost. The process is very simple as it does not consume too much time, and all the ingredients can be easily found. According to the websites dedicated by universities and such, the researched product has its own ups and down. The researchers strictly remind future researchers of this experiment to use a fresh banana heart, as the researchers ended up doing two trials due to unawareness. As a conclusion, the banana blossom is accounted to be safe.

Statement of Objectives
The goal of this research is to come up with an innovative way that will determine on the effectiveness of banana heart as a new ingredient to the typical (processed or commercial) meat. The aim is also to utilize the common banana heart so that it will not be placed into waste. Also, this aims to make a different and simple preparation right in one’s home aside from the usual products, which currently dominate the markets. It is a practical money-saver to the budget and at the same time a naturally healthy way to enjoy an atypical meal.
The researchers decided to create an alternative meat because in order to use other possible materials that are rarely used or possibly, never used, to find a more efficient material other than the introduced product, and to make new products that could benefit the community. Banana heart is a dark-red bud that is conspicuous on the part where the banana grows. The banana heart is rich on vitamins A and E, whereas it was also discovered a good possible alternative for meat due to its capability of being a substitute for meat-related food such as hamburgers.
According to World Health Organization, sixty-five percent (65%) of the world’s population lives in countries where overweight and the obesity kills more people than underweight. Thus, obesity is already a global major problem but there are many people who are not aware of this. Eating processed or commercial meat like hamburgers is a kind of food that bad for people’s health by the reason of increasing the risk of developing various diseases and illness including heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, obesity and more. Therefore, animal products contain much more fat than plant-based foods. Besides, the price of the banana heart is inexpensive than the commercial meat that not everyone can afford. Interestingly, scientists have found that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than people who eat meat. More than that, vegetarians live on average six to ten years longer than meat eaters. So the goal of this study is to have an affordable and healthier alternative for meat in easier and in a practical way that everyone can sustain and enjoy. Also, the objective of the researchers is to decrease the population of obesity and people who are unhealthy by changing their favorite food in a healthier way.

Significance of the Study
Meat is an animal flesh that is eaten as food. Meat consists of largely muscles, but fat and other tissues are also considered meat. It provides protein, vitamins, minerals, and fat necessary for health and growth. Based on an article in http://www.nih.gov/, it is stated that consuming red meat on a daily basis can improve the risk percentage of having cancer and cardiovascular disease mortality. It is also stated that the researchers recommend people to take substitutes or other food such as fish, poultry, nuts, and the like whenever people consume red meat per day. As stated earlier, taking up this aforementioned food could lower the risk of mortality.
This study seeks to tell the government of the Philippines to take up substitutes for some food to reduce the risk of having disease and illness. According to an experiment conducted by chemistry professors in the University of Nottingham, half of the burger turned into a disgusting black sludge when it was dipped on a small container with hydrochloric acid for 2 to 3 days. Hydrochloric acid is a strong compound naturally produced a human’s stomach to break down food. So to say, it gives fat all over the body and improves the risk of mortality. The researchers suggest using banana heart as a substitute since it can be a substitute meat material for some meat-related products, and it is healthy.
The researchers conducted this study in order to lessen the Filipinos who became obese and underweight. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), poverty is known as the main cause of malnutrition because most of the Filipinos are not eating the right kind of food they eat. In the Philippines, many people can’t afford a nutritious food that’s why the number of underweight people in the Philippines is increasing. Also, some of the Filipinos were eating too much meat that causes you to become obese. Thus, this study aims to help these kinds of Filipinos to improve their healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, many Filipinos will benefit in this study because this product is not that just healthy but also easy to make and inexpensive.
Also, this study aims to help the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST). According to Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the number of hungry people has increased since 1997. Therefore, the objective of this study is to help these following departments to lessen the cases of obesity and underweight in the Philippines. Moreover, the goal of the researchers is to contribute and improve the quality of the human resource base of the Philippines.
The significance of this study is to primarily inform young minds concerning to health awareness. On how one resourcefully utilizes the affordable, the natural abundance of nature, and the unbounded investigation to alternatives and remedies. Considering the food intake and calories consumed by high school and college students that are inadequate to contain. According to a research from the Department of Nutrition Science, East Carolina University students aged 19 to 25 years have reported that the top reasons for fast food consumption were its convenience and cost. Individuals who eat fast food tend to consume more total calories with less nutritional value. Consumption of these products, prevails obesity, and related health problems that have risen greatly over the past several decades.
This study also aims to expand information concerning food safety and health effects that provides sufficient energy and nutrients to support optimal growth and development among community residents that will produce their own food and make healthy food choices. It is also a cost effective alternate to a much less expensive commodity that residents usually consume like processed or commercial meat.

Scope and Delimitation
The scope of this study is to determine the perceive effectiveness of utilizing banana heart as an alternative source of meat that it is processed and widely chosen for its convenience and cost. The aim is to conduct a nutritiously typical meal made from banana heart that is not obscurely prominent but is natural, health-friendly, and affordable new ingredient.
The study does not substantiate that red meats are a complete harm to human health. It is just discovered that banana heart can relatively obtain health benefits from meat and so, it is a safe alternative to chemical food preservatives.
The only ingredient that we choose to make this product are banana blossom, eggs, bread crumbs, oil for cooking and salt to taste. Whereas the general budget for this study will not exceed to three-hundred pesos (300.00) although, the ingredients needed for this product are commonly found on homes. Furthermore, the estimated time range to finish this product starting in the preparation to the final outcome of the product ranges from a minimum time of forty-five minutes to one hour (45 minutes-1 hour) depending on the quantity of the nuggets. Also, this experiment needs human force from a minimum number of two or more personnel.
Speaking about the time frame, it only takes some time chopping out the banana flower to bits or to a smaller size, afterwards, shaping them to a circular appearance. Needless to say, frying the product does not take up too much time since the product is said to be a close substitute for meat-related products.
The budget is not a concern here, almost all materials are found as natural resources, moreover, the resources are not that rare.


Banana plants are the largest plants on earth without a woody stem. They are actually giant herbs of the same family as lilies, orchids and palms. Banana plants can grow to heights up to nine (9) meters and look very much like a tree. They are the largest plant on earth without a woody stem. Also, banana is a fruit of the genus Musa of the family Musacae, one of the most important crops and widely consumed fruit in the world.
Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world. The Curved yellow fruit packs a big nutritional punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging and easy to eat. As stated in www.bananalink.org.uk, it is believed that the earliest written reference to banana is in Sanskrit and dates back to around five-hundred (500) BC. Bananas are suspected to be the first fruit in the earth by some horticulturists. Their origin is placed in Southeast Asia, in the jungles of Malaysia, Indonesia or Philippines, where many varieties of wild bananas still grow today. Africans are credited to have given the present name, since the word banana would be derived from the Arab for ‘finger’. They started to be traded internationally by the end of fourteenth century. The development of railroads and technological advances in refrigerated maritime transport subsequently enabled bananas to become the most important world traded fruit.
According to http://community.plu.edu/~bananas/brief-history/home.html, bananas were originally found in South East Asia, mainly in India. They were brought west by Arab conquerors in 327 B.C. and moved from Asia Minor to Africa and finally carried to the New World by the first explorers and missionaries to the Caribbean. The mass production of bananas started in 1834 and really started exploding in the late 1880’s. Before the 1870’s most of the land that bananas were grown on in the Caribbean had been previously used to grow sugar. After this time low marsh land started to be drained along with forests that were cleared in Central America for banana moncrops. Besides, the first notable disease to strike bananas was a mold called Fusarium, it struck the roots of the Gros Michel which is a variety of bananas. Fusarium was also known as Panama Disease which was carried in the soil. In the 1920’s a second disease struck banana crops called Sigatosa, which is an airborne fungus. In the mind 1920’s United Fruit pathologists found that they could spray the plants with a “Bordeaux mixture” which is a pesticide, and it helped control the Sigatosa. The strategy to control Fusarium was to move banana plantations every ten years or so. Then researchers developed a banana that was immune to Fusarium, the Giant Cavendish, which is the variety that has come to dominate modern worldwide consumption, appeared in the 1950’s.
Plants in the banana family are superficially tree-like in appearance. However, they are actually tall, erect, perennial herbs, because after they flower and set fruit, they die back to the ground surface. Their perennating structure is a large, underground, branched rhizome or corm. Bananas and their relatives have a pseudostem, so called because it has the appearance of a tree trunk. However, the banana stem is actually herbaceous, and is comprised of the densely overlapping sheath and petiole bases of their spirally arranged leaves. The pseudostem contains no woody tissues, but its fibers are very strong and flexible, and can easily support the erect plant, which is among the tallest of any herbaceous plants. Bananas can grow as tall as 19.7-23 ft (6-7 m), and typically have a crown of leaves at the top of their greenish stem. The leaves of bananas are large and simple, with a petiole, a stout mid-rib, and a long, expanded, roughly oval, leaf blade, which can reach several meters in length. The leaf blade has an entire (smooth) margin, although it often becomes frayed by the wind, and may develop lobe-like ingrowths along its edge. Also, the flowers of bananas are finger-shaped, with three petals and sepals, and are subtended by large, fleshy, bright reddish-colored scales, which fall off as the fruit matures. The flowers are imperfect (that is, unisexual), and the plants are monoecious, meaning individual plants contain both female and male flowers. The flowers are arranged in a group, in an elongate structure known as a raceme, with male flowers occurring at the tip of the structure, and female flowers below. Only one inflorescence develops per plant. The flowering stalk develops from the underground rhizome or corm, and pushes up through the pseudostem of the plant, to emerge at the apex. The flowering stalk eventually curves downwards, under the weight of the developing fruits. The central axis of the raceme continues to elongate during development, so that older, riper fruits occur lower down, while flowers and younger fruit occur closer to the elongating tip. The same is true of the male flowers, with spent flowers occurring lower down, and pollen-producing ones at the tip of the inflorescence. http://science.jrank.org/pages/732/Banana-Biology-bananas.html
Banana flower, also known as banana blossom or banana heart is a large, dark purple-red blossom that grows from the end of a bunch of bananas. If you open the inside, you can see small flowers that would turn into banana. The flavor is a little starchy and bitter, and is normally eaten as a complement to a dish. As reported in http://www.wisegeek.org/, the banana flower is treated in several Asian and tropical cuisines as a vegetable. It is rich in a variety of vitamins including vitamin A and C. In many Asian countries, it is served as a type of vegetable as a part of people’s daily diet. Once the tougher, darker outer bracts are pulled away, the paler and tenderer inner leaves are used in a number of dishes, prepared in a variety ways. Generally, a fresh banana flower may be sliced and served raw. As in Thailand, it is often accompanied by the hot and spicy dip called nam prik. Also, it can be served as an ingredient for soup or noodles and it is also used to make salad in some countries as well. Moreover, other Asian and Indian cuisines add the sliced banana flower to meat stews, stir-fries, soups, and rice or noodle combinations. It is also used in cold salads, with the salad mixture presented to the diner in one of the large purple-red outer bracts. Besides, banana flower is known in Japan as banana no tsubomi, in Thailand as dok kluai, dok in Indonesia as jantung pisang, in China as shang caho fua, in Sri Lanka as kehel mal, and in India as kere kafool. These terms are variously translated as “banana blossom,” “banana heart,” due to the flower's physical resemblance to that organ, or “plantain blossom.”
Banana flower is rich in vitamins, flavonoids and proteins. The flower has been used in traditional medicine to treat bronchitis, constipation and ulcer problems. It eases menstrual cramps. The extracts of banana flower have antioxidant properties that prevent free radicals and control cell and tissue damage. According to research at the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, which studied the flowers of musa paradisiacal, banana flowers have tremendous nutritional value, being a good source of fiber and protein. The flowers contain a class of photochemical known as assaponins. Saponins lower LDL or bad cholesterol, boosts our immunity against infection and are thought to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. They also have antioxidants activity and so can reduce our risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease.
Additionally, Banana flowers are cooked by blanching them in boiling water or steaming for about 20 minutes, after which the flower’s outer petals should be removed before slicing or shredding. In the Philippines banana flowers are the main ingredient in linabog or labog, a dish made with coconut milk, spices and dried fish. In northern Thailand banana leaves are lightly steamed, along with other vegetables and served with a dipping sauce made from red curry paste, fish sauce, sugar and lemon juice, known as Nam prik ong. Banana flowers also feature in the cuisine of Laos, known as Lao. They are often an accompaniment to the spicy rice vermicelli soup called khao poon. In southern India banana flowers are used in vegetable curries, or deep fried as fritters. In Sri Lanka, where they are called Kehel, a popular dish made with banana flowers, tamarind, and spices is called Kehel muwa seeni sambol or banana flower curry.
Humans have been eating meat throughout evolution, and in today’s consumption it has been a large part to the digestive necessity and nutrition intake. However, the meat we eat today is immensely different from the meat our ancestors ate. Based to an article on Authority Nutrition, animals roamed free and ate grass, and anything that is natural to them back in the day. The meat from this animal is completely different from the meat derived from animals that was born and raised in a factory, fed grain-based feed, then pumped full of antibiotics and hormones to make it grow faster.
Today, some meat products go through even more processing after the animals are slaughtered, they are smoked, cured, and then treated with nitrates, preservatives and various chemicals. However, with the variety of its sort it is significant to distinguish between the different types of meat: Processed Meat refers to meat that has been preserved by smoking, curing, salting or adding preservatives. This includes sausages, bacon, ham, salami and pâtés. These foods aren't just microwave meals and other ready meals. The term 'processed food' applies to any food that has been altered from its natural state in some way, either for safety reasons or convenience. Ingredients such as salt, sugar and fat are sometimes added to processed foods to make their flavor more appealing and to prolong their shelf life, or in some cases to contribute to the food's structure, such as salt in bread or sugar in cakes. This can lead to people eating more than the recommended amounts for these additives, as they may not be aware of how much has been added to the food they are buying and eating. These foods can also be higher in calories due to the high amounts of added sugar or fat in them. Furthermore, a diet high in red and processed meat (regularly eating more than 90g a day) has also been linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer. Some studies have also shown that eating a large amount of processed meat may be linked to a higher risk of cancer or heart disease, according to a study on http://www.nhs.uk/.
Conventional Red Meat is one other type of meat. They are fairly unprocessed, but most animals in today’s era are factory farmed. Meats that are red when raw are defined as “red” meats. These include all fresh, minced and frozen beef, pork, lamb and some others. Also, in the same terminology White Meat is very pale before cooking, it includes meat from poultry like chicken and turkey. While Dark Meat usually refers to a slightly darker, higher-fat part of an animal that also produces white meat -- like the wing of a chicken. In addition, there are meat that comes from animals that have been naturally fed, raised organically and not been pumped by drugs and hormones. These are Grass-Fed, Organic Meat. It also doesn't contain any artificial chemicals into it. It is important to make the distinction between different kinds of meat it’s also important to realize that not all meat is created equal.
According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), meat can be part of a balanced diet contributing valuable nutrients that are beneficial to health. Meat and meat products contain important levels of protein, vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients which are essential for growth and development. Further processing of meat offers the opportunity to add value, reduce prices, improve food safety and extend the shelf-life. But high quality, unprocessed meat is among the most nutritious food in the world, it has nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of the body. However, choosing food from this variety that is high in saturated fat and cholesterol may have cause health implications if not controlled moderately. In accordance to the records of http://www.worldwatch.org much of the growing demand for animal products worldwide is being met by concentrated animal feeding operations, or factory farms. Worldwide, some fifty-six (56) billion animals are raised and slaughtered for food each year. Factory farms account for sixty-seven percent (67%) of poultry meat production, fifty percent (50%) of egg production, and forty-two percent (42%) of pork production. These facilities rely on commercial breeds of livestock, usually pigs and chickens, which have been bred to gain weight quickly on high-protein feeds. This expound the steadily growing world population and increasing incomes that creates higher demand for meat, but at the same time leaves limited space for expansion in livestock production.
With the fast-growing consumed demand for meat around the globe, many massive studies have examined the relationship between meat consumption and health implications. They found a strong link for processed meat, but no effect for unprocessed red meat. According to a research from the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), they have found that eating processed meat, such as bacon, sausage or processed deli meats, was associated with a forty-two percent (42%) higher risk of heart disease and a nineteen percent (19%) higher risk of diabetes. In contrast, the researchers did not find any higher risk of heart disease or diabetes among individuals eating unprocessed red meat. Although cause-and-effect cannot be proven by these types of long-term observational studies, all of these studies adjusted for other risk factors, which may have been different between people who were eating more versus less meat. Also, the lifestyle factors associated with eating unprocessed red meats and processed meats were similar, but only processed meats were linked to higher risk, also in accordance to the source. Yet, what is it about processed red meat that seems to increase disease risk, according to http://www.mayoclinic.org processed meat has about the same amount of saturated fat as unprocessed red meat and actually contains less cholesterol and iron. On average, processed meat has about 622 milligrams of sodium in about 2 ounces, while unprocessed meat has 155 milligrams. Researchers hypothesized that salt's effect on blood pressure weakens vessels. Nitrate preservatives may also damage vessels, reduce insulin secretion and impair control of blood glucose which may increase risk for heart disease and diabetes.
In correspondent to the sources, these implications may have been reduced if taken seriously and moderately. There are limitation intake and controlled demand for such products. According to http://www.nhs.uk, one can do this by eating smaller portions of red and processed meat and swapping them for alternatives, and by eating these meats less often.
If an adult eat more than 90g of red and processed meat on a certain day, it is provided to eat less on the following days or have meat-free days, so that over time the consumption is not more than 70g per day on average. One can also cut down on red and processed meat by eating smaller portions, and by eating them less often. These swaps can help cut down on red and processed meat without making radical changes to your diet.
http://ec.europa.eu states that meat products means processed products resulting from the processing of meat or from the further processing of such processed products, so that the cut surface shows that the product no longer has the characteristics of fresh meat. Heat treatment (frying, cooking) is applied immediately prior to consumption to make the products palatable. Convenience products, such as chicken nuggets have a similar processing technology and can also be included in this group.
This study utilizes banana blossom as an alternative source of meat product, which were use as nugget to the particular edible. Merriam Webster defines nugget as a small, usually round piece of food. As it is a major component on today’s diet especially with kids, and that it dominates fast food chains around the globe, it is practical to use up additional choice to a more nutritious meal than to have chosen to use an artificial mixture of meat parts, batter it up and fry it and still call it meat.

Types of meat alternatives:
According to the website www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-meat-alterntives.htm, Vegetarians must find suitable substitutes for meat that can fit their lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a number of options for meat alternatives, many of which can taste similar to the real thing. If one is vegetarian, they can find protein in their diet from sources such as fish OR dairy foods, including eggs, milk, yogurt, and cheese, all of which are very high in protein. Vegans, however, decide not to consume any products provided from an animal, and therefore, sparking a need to choose alternatives.
Vegetarians may start with the dishes tofu, tempeh, seitan, whole grains, and legumes. Tofu and tempeh are originally made from soybeans, though tempeh is slightly denser. There are numerous dishes tofu can be paired with. Tofu tends to take on the flavors of the food with which it is cooked, meaning it can be quite flavorful and delicious when marinated.
Seitan, or wheat gluten, naturally comes from wheat. Whole grains and legumes can be a great source of protein as well as fiber; legumes include various types of beans, such as kidney beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, and navy beans, among others, as well as split peas and peanuts. Aside from these basic meat alternatives, which are typically used in recipes and not just eaten alone, there are other types of meat replacements that are designed to be very simple and quick.
Any grocery store houses meat alternatives in the form of veggie burgers, soy hot dogs and bacon, and imitation chicken nuggets,. These products are typically made with a combination of vegetables, mushrooms, and soy; they contain no meat, and are intended to taste just like the real thing. These are often frozen, and just need to be thawed and baked, or microwaved before eating. Veggie burgers or soy hot dogs can be served on buns just like those made with meat, and dressed with condiments such as ketchup, mustard, or pickle relish.

Uses of alternative meat:
According to the website http://www.livestrong.com/article/1002245-meat-substitutes/, alternative meats are used for vegetarians who have problems with diet as well as maintaining a healthy body without the consumption of meat. Vegetarians must try textured vegetable proteins, where the flour is used and turned into meat ball. One cup of textured vegetable protein gives your body approximately forty four grams of soy protein and one hundred thirty two milligrams of isoflavones.
Another use of alternative meat is for the dish Tempeh and tofu. Tempeh is a popular meat substitute that has a mushroom-like flavor. It originated at Indonesia. Numerous seasonings and veggies can be mixed with the soy bean, or the tempeh, to optimize the mushroom-like taste. This meat alternative is commonly rolled into balls, made into burger patties, or can be sliced and fry it. Tempeh's fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. It has a firm texture and an earthy flavor and it gives more nutrition as it ages. Because of its nutritional value, tempeh is used worldwide in vegetarian cuisine, where it is used as a meat analogue.
It’s almost the same as tempeh, but this is made from the curds of soybean milk, contrary to tempeh where it is soybean milk. Tofu can be served in many ways, such as grilled, fried, boiled, or baked. It is commonly used in dishes like lasagna, sandwiches, pitas, and chili. Although its downside is that tofu is perishable, meaning tofus are likely to expire in a short time, so whenever you go buy one, please always check its expiration date.

Sources of alternative meat:
According to the website http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/vegetables-that-can-substitute-for-meat/, the following dishes have been classified as alternatives for meat.
1. Tofu
You may not think of tofu or tempeh as vegetables, but they are plant-based and made from soybeans. TVP, or texturized vegetable protein, is also made from soy. The meat in any recipe can be replaced with one of these plant-based options. Tofu makes the perfect substitute for chicken whether you want Crispy Tofu Nuggets, or Moroccan Cutlets in a Lemon-Olive Sauce. Tempeh is great to be paired with fish dishes. TVP comes in all shapes and sizes and it can replace any meat including ground beef. Seitan can be flavored to taste exactly like beef or pork.
2. Mushrooms
Umami mushrooms are the ones that bring out the meat like flavor. Their flavor is rich, earthy, and meaty, especially its subspecies, cremini or Portobello mushrooms. They are perfect for meat dishes and known to be a healthy appetite.
3. Jackfruit
Jackfruit is a must-be tasted. Technically, as the name says, it is a fruit but this fruit is well known to its ability that can rival meat and be a substitute for it. You can buy it raw or already cut up in a can. Jackfruit has a very slight sweet taste but not so much that you can’t use it to make a decadent, satisfying Philly Cheesesteak. Jackfruit is perfect for barbecue sandwiches, stir-fries, or any dish that uses beef, chicken, or pork.
4. Eggplant
When anyone goes vegetarian, eggplant is probably the first vegetable that comes to mind, but you can do so much more with it than just make parmigiana. Eggplant has a rich, meaty taste and it’s very versatile. If eggplant is not one of your tastes, you may try it in these Eggplant Burgers and you will change your mind. Other delicious ways to eat eggplant include Vegan Mozzarella-Stuffed Eggplant Meatballs, crispy Eggplant Fries with Marinara Dipping Sauce, and spiralized Eggplant Noodles.
5. Lentils
Lentils have always been a stand out for all meat since the beginning of veganism. Lentils are hearty and can replace ground beef easily. Lentils come in a variety of colors such as green, red, brown, and black. They cook up quickly, are inexpensive, and a small amount goes a long way. Definite recipes to try are Red Lentil Burgers with Kale Pesto, Lentil Meatballs, Double Decker Lentil Tacos, and South Indian Lentil Stew.
6. Beans and Legumes
Beans and legumes are amazing, not just as normal resource or ingredient, but also as substitutes. They are inexpensive, healthy, filling, and there are so many to choose from: black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, aduki beans, chickpeas and black-eyed peas, to name just a few. Beans make for hearty soups, stews, and chilis. How about a White Bean and Kale Soup or a Tamale-Inspired Bowl with Beans? Beans and legumes can replace the meat to make incredible Hoisin Black Bean Burgers, Black-Eyed Pea Italian Sausages, or Chickpea “Tuna” Salad.
7. Cauliflower
Believe it or not, cauliflower can be a substitute for meat. When you season it and cook it up right, cauliflower can be the star of any dish. People like to use cauliflower to replace the chicken in Asian dishes like Cauliflower Manchurian and even Buffalo wings. You can slice the cauliflower into steaks and make an exquisite Cauliflower Piccata. What is more, you can even make a pizza crust out of cauliflower.
8. Potatoes
Potatoes are not just for side dishes. They can be the main ingredient in so many dishes. Whether you roast them, boil them, bake them, mash them, or fry them, potatoes are always a favorite. Start your meal with a Creamy Potato and Cauliflower Soup. Potato Samosas with Coconut-Mint Chutney are spicy and delicious.
9. Beets
Beets are believed to be nature’s candy. They are sweet and delicious and perfect for salads, but they have another side to them. Beets are also earthy and work well in savory dishes especially when roasted as in this Sesame Roasted Beets and Greens Dish. Amaze your guests’ taste buds with a beautiful platter of Beet Carpaccio and then treat them to Roasted Beet Burgers with Cumin-Scented Ketchup.

Benefits of alternative meat:
According to the website http://www.vegetarian-nutrition.info/positions/english/vegetarian-meat-substitutes.php, it existence with a study conducted, people start eliminating meat from their diets due to its health facts such as meat is also known to give people fats and cholesterol, which in turn, the latter focuses more on vegetables rather than meat. That said, people lack the required amount of protein our body needed.

This is where the need of alternative meat enters. Alternatives for meat give good news for vegetarians, because the alternatives provide protein and vitamins without the consumption of fats and cholesterol. What is more is that the alternative for meat is recognized that five to ten times more protein can be produced per acre of land when it is consumed as vegetable protein instead of being converted inefficiently into animal protein and meat. What is more is that it conserves significantly water and other resources.

Safety of alternative meat:
According to an article on the website http://www.blisstree.com/2011/03/30/food/processed-meat-substitutes-may-be-unhealthier-than-actual-meat/,
Meat substitutes, or faux meats, are food that is not meat, but despite the fact that this are not categorized as meat, they resemble meat in flavor, texture, and appearance. This is good news for vegetarians who have problems with protein intake. Years before, there were a lot of alternatives for meat, and what is more is that these alternatives are a part of a country’s culture. Although, there had been problems with these alternatives respectively such as the processed soy, cottonseeds, wheat, and oats — better known as textured vegetable protein.
There had been conclusions about soy; ninety one percent of soy grown in some countries has chemicals embedded in them. Most processed soy is industrially produced using hexane, which may lead to damage of the nervous system if consumed in very large quantities. Aside from the aforementioned health concerns above, these products houses a considerable amount of sodium. What concerns people or consumers the most are the ingredient lists.
The food industry devised strategies in response to these faux meats, in which a comparison has been made from the ingredients list. Rest is assured to be safe, but it is highly recommendable to go back to the basics such as starting with the simple alternatives’ dishes. The widely known sources of soy can be great options that take on the flavor of the sauce, which can keep things interesting. Just reconsider yourself about these products, and always keep an eye on the ingredients list.
According to an article on the website http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/11/quorn-brand-meat-substitute.aspx? , There are a number of meat substitutes on the market, but some appear to be more unsavory than others, in terms of safety.
The Quorn brand meat substitute falls into this category. Quorn is a fungus-based ferment. Its advertised claims include being seventy five percent lower in fat and fifty percent lower in calories compared to regular meat. It’s also high in fiber and protein, and low in cholesterol and salt.

Adverse Effects Reported:
Quorn has been widely distributed to sixteen countries last nineteen eighty five. Quorn was discovered and developed by one of the largest chemical companies located in United Kingdom called Imperial Chemical Industries.
The fungus, Fusarium venenatum, is first grown in large fermentation vats, where it is fed with oxygen, glucose, and other nutrients. Once the water is removed, what is left is a paste-like biomass, which is then processed into various food products.
Due to its popularity, studies were conducted to discover the Quorn’s safety—especially , with respect to people inherited with food and/or mold allerigies. A CSPI survey conducted also found that mycoprotein is more likely to cause adverse reactions than other common allergenic foods such as shellfish, milk, and peanuts.
So far, CSPI has retrieved more than 2,000 reports of adverse reactions to Quorn.:

* Nausea
* Cramps
* Diarrhea
* Forceful vomiting
* Anaphylactic reactions

Two deaths were also studied, speculating the latter afterwards. In a previous post, CSPI also noted that an early study done by the manufacturer found that ten percent of two hundred human subjects developed nausea or a stomachache after eating Quorn.
This might be expected if the name of the fungus is in any way indicative of its health effects. After all, the Latin word venenatum means “filled with venom.”

Should You Eat Meat?
So far, there are no substitutes able to fit the recommended section, the substitutes are only suggestible. There are health benefits to eating meat and other animal products that simply have no equivalence in the plant kingdom. However, please choose meat wisely, because this is a step in maintaining your health.
Animals that are raised in confined animal feeding operations, or CAFO, must be avoided, both for health and ethical reasons. CAFO cows are fattened for slaughter in gigantic feed lots as quickly as possible with the help of grains and growth promoting drugs, including antibiotics.
This routine practice, which is done exclusively for financial reasons, has led to the current scourge of antibiotic-resistant disease, which now kills at least 23,000 people each year. Besides raising your risk of antibiotic-resistant disease, regularly consuming small doses of antibiotics is also a surefire way to destroy your gut health.
Organically raised, grass-fed or pastured animal products on the other hand can provide valuable nutrients that your body requires for optimal functioning, such as high-quality protein.
Grass-fed beef also tends to be leaner, and have higher levels of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also has a healthier ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats.

Process of alternative meat:
Wheat meat, fu, mock duck, and wheat gluten; these are all names for the vegetarian meat substitute commonly called seitan in the U.S. The texture of Seitan is made that it almost resembles poultry. The popular meat alternative is made from wheat’s main protein component, gluten.
Seitan was first discovered in Asia. In accordance to a story, several hundred years ago a Chinese emperor became a Buddhist and stopped eating meat. But the emeperor couldn’t lift away his taste buds to the food he was eating, thus Seitan was created.
Whether it is homemade or produced for commercial purposes, the basic process for making seitan is the same. Dough of wheat flour, yeast, and water is mixed up, kneaded, and left to rest for a short time. Then the dough is massaged in a large volume of water. Starches and other water-soluble components of the dough leach into the water, leaving behind a glutenous protein mass. Sometimes flour with most or all of the starches removed is sold in supermarkets as a product called vital wheat gluten. It is primarily used as an additive in baking to improve the texture and elasticity of dough, but it is often used as starting material for homemade seitan.
Online forums were made to question how a seitan is freshly made. With a goal set in mind, many do-yourself tutorials were made, but all ended up as a failure due to lack of knowledge. Sopko declined to discuss the methods used at Upton’s to produce its seitan; the details of the mixing and cooking techniques make the difference in its texture, and texture is the name of the game.
Washington, D.C.-based science communicator and molecular biologist Adam Ruben managed to get a close view on the primary literature on gluten and seitan for clues on how to achieve a fresh texture.
He explains that gluten and seitan, is a suspension of two types of water-insoluble proteins, gliadins and glutenins. Gliadin proteins are relatively small, around forty thousand dalton, whereas glutenins are ten to one hundred times as large, Ruben commented. During the mixing process, cysteine residues on the glutenins form disulfide bonds between individual protein units, and these results in a disorganized cross-linked aggregate.
Water retention and tensile strength in seitan are pH dependent, so acids or bases in the mixing or cooking liquids provides a way to freshen the texture according to an article on the website http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i23/Seitan.html.


The study does not substantiate that red meats are a complete harm to human health. It is just discovered that banana heart can relatively obtain health benefits from meat and so, it is a safe alternative to chemical food preservatives. The target of this research is to come up with an innovative way that will determine on the efficiency of banana blossom or banana heart as a new ingredient to the typical meat. Also, the banana heart was discovered as a meat substitute whereas the banana shares almost of its health benefits to its flower or heart. Additionally, the aim of the researchers is to conduct a nutritiously typical meal made from banana heart that is not obscurely prominent but is natural, health-friendly and inexpensive new ingredient.

* (1 whole) Banana Heart
* (1) Egg
* (3 tbsp.) Flour
* (2) Onions
* (2) Cloves of Garlic
* (1 tbsp.) Salt
* Cooking Oil
* Bread Crumbs
* Knife
* Water
* Strainer
* Frying Pan

1. Peel the red leaves off the heart.
2. Take the stems out from the insides of the buds
3. Discard the stem and chop the buds.
4. Continue to peel the leaves until only the white leaves are left.
5. Then slice fairly thin and chop.
6. Put all the chopped banana heart in one bowl with water.
7. Wash thoroughly. Drain the water and squeeze excess water from the heart.
8. Add salt, onion, garlic and mix thoroughly.
9. Add the flour and eggs. It should be a sticky consistency.

Time Table

October 2, 2014
Submission of ‘Statement of Objectives’ part
October 8, 2014
Submission of ‘Significance of the Study’ and ‘Operational Definition of Terms’ part
October 19, 2014
Submission of ‘Scope and Delimitations’ part
November 25, 2014
Submission of ‘ Review of Related Literatures and Studies’ part
December 1-3, 2014
Commencement of trials for making the product


- Knife
- Blender
- Banana Heart
- Egg
- Flour
The banana heart was not properly cut, that also leads to improper blending.
The outcome was not fresh and the expected texture was not achieved.
- Knife
- Water
- Strainer
- Frying Pan
- Banana Heart
- Egg
- Flour
- Onions
- Cloves of Garlic
- Salt
- Cooking Oil
- Bread Crumbs
The banana heart was cut delicately into small pieces. It worked rather than having it blended.
A shape was form because of the proper mixture of egg and flour with onion, garlic and salt to taste.
The bread crumb was a real help into forming the outer texture of the product.


We, the researchers, therefore conclude that the banana blossom can be an effective alternative meat source because of the following:

1. The banana blossom can relatively obtain health benefits from meat. It is rich in variety of vitamins including vitamin A and C. It could also be a safe alternative on improvising a complement dish since the banana blossom is treated in several Asian and tropical cuisines as vegetable.

2. Also, it is a safe alternative to chemical food preservatives. Not only the banana blossom can be a main source in making a healthy nugget, it could also be used in other meat products specification like burger patties and even hot dogs. Thus, it is universal on safe alternatives for it can be utilize to variety of edible dish.

3. Lastly, bananas will always be a part of the environment. It will always be a main factor that is not bounded. Consumers can easily purchase these certain materials without costing too much. Utilizing the banana blossom is also another way of saving budget and providing a healthy lifestyle at the same time. It is natural, health-friendly and affordable to everyone in the society.

Based on the foregoing findings of the study, the following are recommended for future enhancement of the banana heart as a substitute meat for nuggets.

1. Materials
The researchers highly recommend using these for preparation of the experiment

* Knife
* Water
* Strainer
* Frying Pan
* Banana Heart

- The researchers recommend buying a fresh one on the market, rather than the ones in super markets.

* Egg
* Flour
* Onions
* Cloves of Garlic
* Salt
* Cooking Oil
* Bread Crumbs

Side Note: The researchers also recommend future researchers to buy what is only needed.

2. Procedure/time
The researchers would like to recommend the following procedures, in line with the time allotted in doing the experiment

3. Time
The approximated time range to finish the product starting in the preparation to the final outcome of the product ranges from a minimum time of thirty minutes to forty-five minutes (30 minutes- 45 minutes) depending on the quantity of the nuggets as long as all of the materials are prepared before starting the trial. Also, it is highly recommended that the analyst know all of the procedures before they start to make the product so the time will not be affected.

4. Venue
The venue is not a concern in this investigation because all of the ingredients needed for this product are commonly found on homes. However, make sure that all of the ingredients and materials are present on your home.


Bettenhausen, C. (2013). What’s that stuff? Retrieved from http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i23/Seitan.html on January 16, 2015.
Bilton P. (2011). Banana flower or Banana Blossom: Culinary uses and Nutritional value.             Retrieved from https://food-nutrition.knoji.com on November 2014.
Clara, F. (2013). The best meat substitutes. Retrieved from   http://www.livestrong.com/article/1002245-meat-substitutes/ on January 16, 2015.
Egan, C. (2011). Processed meat substitutes may be unhealthier than actual meat. Retrieved          from http://www.blisstree.com/2011/03/30/food/processed-meat-substitutes-may-be-      unhealthier-than-actual-meat/ on January 16, 2015.
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Dr. Mercola. (2014). Safety questions loom over Quorn brand meat substitute. Retrieved from             http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/11/quorn-brand-meat-       substitute.aspx on January 16, 2015.
Nelson, J. & Zeratsky, K. (2010). Red meat no longer bad for us. Retrieved from             http://www.mayoclinic.org/ on November 20, 2011.
Parsons, R. (2014). 10 vegetables that can be substitute for meat. Retrieved from             http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/vegetables-that-can-substitute-for-meat/ on     January 16, 2015.
S. N. Smith. (2014). What is a Banana Flower. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.org/ on
            November 2014.
Smith J. et.al (-) Bananas: A brief history. Retrieved from http://community.plu.edu/ on
            November 2014.
Unknown. (-). Banana Plants. Retrieved from http://www.australianbananas.com.au/ on   November 2014.
Unknown. (-). Banana-Biology of Banana. Retrieved from http://science.jrank.org/ on November             2014.
Unknown. (-). All about Bananas. Retrieved from http://www.bananalink.org.uk/ on November    2014.
Unknown. (-). Eating processed food. Retrieved from http://www.nhs.uk/ on November 20,          2014.
Unknown. (2010). Eating processed meats, but not unprocessed red meats, may raise risk of          heart disease and diabetes. Retrieved from http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/ on November             20, 2014.
Unknown. (2013). Meat Production Continues to Rise. Retrieved from        http://www.worldwatch.org/ on November 20, 2014.
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Appendix A

(Documentation of Procedures)

Figure 1 - Main ingredient: Banana Heart. Peeled red leaves.

Figure 2 – Take off the stem and wash the buds before chopping it. 
Figure 3 – White leaves left are then to slice fairly thin and chop.
Figure 3.1 – White leaves left are then to slice fairly thin and chop.
Figure 4 – All chopped banana heart in one bowl with water.

Figure 5 – Wash thoroughly. Drain the water and squeeze excess water from the banana heart.
Figure 6 – Add salt, flour and egg. It should be a sticky consistency and mix thoroughly.
Figure 6.1 – Add salt, flour and egg. It should be a sticky consistency and mix thoroughly.
Figure 7 – Add bread crumbs, stir constantly to yield its shape. 
Figure 8 – Heat up cooking oil and cook over low heat. Wait until brown.

Figure 9 – Banana heart nugget finished product.
Figure 9.1 – Banana heart nugget finished product.
Figure 9.2 – Banana heart nugget finished product.

Appendix B


October 2, 2014
Submission of ‘Statement of Objectives’ part
October 8, 2014
Submission of ‘Significance of the Study’ and ‘Operational Definition of Terms’ part
October 19, 2014
Submission of ‘Scope and Delimitations’ part
November 25, 2014
Submission of ‘ Review of Related Literatures and Studies’ part
December 1-3, 2014
Commencement of trials for making the product

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